Assignment / Test Submission
Seated Musicians Information
Music Books
Concert Band: Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician - Scott Rush, etc.
Wind Ensemble: Habits of a Successful Musician - Scott Rush & Rich Moon
Beginner Band: Essential Elements: Book 1
Instrument Supplies
Percussion Supplies
Soft Marimba Mallets - IP1002 Jim Casella medium yarn mallets
Hard Marimba Mallets - IP1003 Jim Casella hard yarn mallets
Soft Vibraphone Mallets - IP1005 Jim Casella medium cord mallets
Hard Vibraphone Mallets - IP1006 Jim Casella hard cord mallets
Soft Xylophone/Bell Mallets - IP901 James Ross soft mallets
Medium Xylophone/Bell Mallets - IP902 James Ross medium mallets
Hard Xylophone/Bell Mallets - IP903 James Ross hard mallets
Medium Timpani Mallets - CT-3 concert series medium general timpani mallets
Hard Timpani Mallets - CT-5 concert series hard timpani mallets
Concert Snare Drum Sticks - IPJC James Campbell hickory concert snare drumsticks
Marching Snare Drum Sticks - FS-PR2 Paul Rennick marching snare drumsticks
Practice pad - OffWorld Percussion Invader V3 practice pad
Practice pad stand - SS745 Yamaha snare stand
All items can be ordered at www.steveweissmusic.com
Private Music Instructors
The Sanderson High School Band Program strives to provide the highest quality music education possible.
Private music lessons are encouraged for all students,
particularly for members of the Wind Ensemble, as all students are treated as soloists.
Student Leadership Roles