You can help us greatly by following these suggestions:

  • You will receive periodic statements showing the charges and credits to your fair share account. We assume that it is correct if we do not hear from you. Mistakes are easier to correct the sooner we find out about them. The longer you wait, the harder it is to trace the problem and in some cases, if too much time has elapsed, we may not be able to correct the problem.

  • Please do not give payments to the band director. Payments can be made online using by clicking the Payment button below.

Checks can be mailed to:

SHS Band Boosters
P.O. Box 99370
Raleigh, NC 27624
Cash payments are discouraged. Write your student's name in the memo line on your check.

  • When sending in checks from people who have bought something from you, please put your student's name and the order or fundraiser (ex: GoPlaySave, Fruit & Flowers, PDQ, etc.) in the memo space on each check you collect. This makes it easier for us to trace the band member who brought in the check if we need to.

  • You are receiving benefits from the fair share money that you pay, therefore, it is not tax deductible.

  • Please be reminded of the following:

    • Any Credit Balance at year end will be automatically rolled over to your student's fair share balance for the following year if returning to band.

    • The only amount that can be returned to you is that money which you have personally contributed in cash, up to the remaining balance in your account, only for the current year (not including the original non-refundable deposit).

    • According to the SHS Band Booster By-laws, your student's fair share cannot be transferred to anyone else except a sibling currently in band or rising to the band program.